Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pedsquiz?
Pedsquiz is a collection of interesting images in pediatrics.

Where do these images come from?
Many of the images are submitted by users from all over the world. Some of the images are owned by

Who can use pedsquiz?
Anyone with access to the internet. The content is obviously not for children and will likely not interest those outside the medical field.

Do I have to give out my email address to view a correct answer?
No. If you do provide us with your email however, we will inform you every time there is a new quiz.

How can I stay informed each time a new quiz is updated?
There are a few ways.
-You can give us your true email address and say “yes' you would like to be notified when a new quiz is up and running when you submit an answer. (It is easy to unsubscribe).
-You can follow pedsquiz on twitter here.
-Or you can bookmark us (Press Ctrl+D) and keep checking every few days!

How do I submit an image?
Visit this link to submit an image. It only takes seconds and you will be helping thousands of doctors and aspiring medicos. You can opt to be credited or stay anonymous. Or if you'd like, simply email the image to info at

I would like to submit an image anonymously. Can I?
Yes. When you submit an image and let us know that you wish to be anonymous. We will not publish your name, email or any contact details.

Will you edit an image for me?
Yes. We can edit the image to change the size, highlight a certain medical finding and/or hide the identity of the patient.

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